Hai girlsssss For our grand opening, we will make our first giveaway event. The gift is Pony Memebox Easy Glam 3. Terms& Conditions : 1. Repost this and tag 8 friends and @kshoppe.id . 2. Follow @kshoppe.id and spam likes our posts. 3. After you posted comment done in this post and add our line : @jcb6022x and chat us with this format; Name: Ig account: 4. Please put hastags.idgiveaway1


Medan Talk: Hai girlsssss
For our grand opening, we will make our first giveaway event.
The gift is Pony Memebox Easy Glam 3.

Terms& Conditions :
1. Repost this and tag 8 friends and @kshoppe.id .
2. Follow @kshoppe.id and spam likes our posts.
3. After you posted comment done in this post and add our line : @jcb6022x and chat us with this format;
Ig account:
4. Please put hastags.idgiveaway1

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